Speed up the implementation by using our up-to-date documentation which covers everything from API endpoints to sample campaigns setups.
Talk to our technical and loyalty teams if you need any assistance with the loyalty program or need to have a second opinion on how to run the loyalty technology in the most effective way.
Open Loyalty uses AWS for hosting, offering multiple options of datacenters.

We handle over 350 million earn-and-spend operations monthly an average API response time of just 120 ms.
Open Loyalty complies with ISO 27001, ISO 9001, and has dedicated features to help comply with GDPR-related requests. Every year, a specialized security consultancy tests us against OWASP top 10 and CWE/SANS top 25 software errors.
We use separate databases and Kubernetes namespaces for every instance, so no data is shared between our clients. We also apply encryption both at rest and in transit.